Saturday, 27 April 2013

Post 6 April: How did we do?

Previous postings show just how successful our South Terrace 'Big Spring Clean and Planting' on 6 April turned out. With sixteen adults and six children participating throughout the morning, it was a joy in both making our environment better for residents, and in adding a cohesive glue to our little South Terrace community.

Since then, our efforts have not gone unnoticed. Susan Jaleel, writing in the Northern Echo said,


"I wish to thank whoever is responsible for clearing the spare ground on Victoria Road between Feethams and Sainsbury's entrance. For a long time that area has been a dumping ground for all manner of detritus and an embarrassment at the main out-of-town ring road. Now transformed, even with the addition of a colourful patch of flowers, it has made a huge difference. Let's try and keep it that way". 

Mrs S Western of Hurworth was stirred to write back to 'Hear All Sides', 
"In reply to Susan Jaleel’s letter (HAS, Apr 18) regarding the very clean piece of road between Feethams and Sainsbury’s, in Darlington. A short time ago I saw a family cleaning it with two very small children who were having great fun trying to pick things up with rather large litter pickers. I hope they were proud of themselves. They should be".

Richard Reynolds, leader of '', and National Hero, commented about our efforts at South Terrace, 
"Tremendous. What a great transformation".

Today, in sunshine, our work looks great, as these shots show.

And here, the diversity of flora in the lane. 

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Wheely Good Idea?

Are you ready for your new wheeled bin? Whether you are - or whether you aren't they are on their way.

Darlington's 240 litre wheeled bin collections are due to start on the week of 17 June and our collection will probably be one of the first on Monday 17 June, as our refuse collection day is being moved to a MONDAY MORNING from 29 April.

The wheeled bins have a number of environmental advantages and are quite light to manoeuvre. They should reduce stress and injury for the collectors.

Here are a few tips for South Terrace residents:

Prepare a safe place for your bin and ease of access to remove it to and from the back lane. If anyone has a problem here, contact Stephanie or me and we will endeavour to help.

Bins can be put out the night before, but be aware of the fire risk and the fact that they are accessible to the bin-raiders.

Park your bin with the wheels facing the bank, rather than the wall. This gives the collectors the quickest journey down the lane, and eases wear on the bin.

If you overload your bin, the collectors will not take the surplus - so simply save what will not fit in for next week, or contact a neighbour who may have spare capacity.

You can personalise your bin. Stephanie and I have chosen the 'beech effect' - or simply paint the number of your house on the lid.

If your bin is damaged or stolen, you should call customer services on 01325 388777.

To camouflage your bin and recycling, try one of these ingenious ideas.

If you need to check South Terrace's recycling date - click this link.

Monday, 8 April 2013

October Bulb Fest

This is looking ahead a fact to October. Darlington Street Scene will support a community bulb planting, usually in early October. Any Community Group or Friends Group can arrange a planting and Street Scene will supply the bulbs, offer advice on where to plant and provide any training on the day. Advance notice of 3 –4 months will be required so that bulbs can be ordered from suppliers. I have checked with Phillippa and she will sort out the bulbs. Is anyone up for this?

If you would like to be involved, leave a message on our Facebook group page, or put a note through my door.

Incidentally, for those with Facebook, take a look at some great photos from last Saturday, posted by John and Trent.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

South Terrace lead the way in the Big Spring Clean

Darlington Council delivered the litter-picking equipment on Friday 5 April, and overnight we prepared for the South Terrace 'Big Spring Clean'. By 0930 hours on Saturday we were ready to start- our pickers, sacks, sack-hoops and gloves to hand, and a trestle table with tea urn, juice, biscuits and home-made cakes prominent at the head of the lane. As St Cuthbert's Church struck 9.30, pickers and planters arrived - eventually numbering 15 adults and six children.

Our very first South Terrace Big Spring Clean will go down in the history of the terrace. Never before has the bank between the lane and Victoria Road been so tidy and organised. Our first hour was spent on litter-picking. Every accessible bottle, crisp packet, take-away box and tin can has been removed from both sides of the bank into eight sacks- and with them scrap metal, old timber and an eight foot pile of debris. Dave, who arrived from Darlington's Street Scene, looked amazed at the sheer volume as we helped load his truck.

Our second hour was spent in planting. Our initial flora count of the bank discovered a wide range of plantsalready in evidence - lesser celandine, daffodil, snowdrop, crocus, bluebell, ramsons (wild garlic), cowparsley, nettle, bramble, ivy, and fern - to which we have added a mass of daffodils, snowdrops, wild geranium, primrose, primula and forget-me-not.

We must give a huge 'thank you' to Ben (no 14) and his friends at Paddock Farm Nursery who provided the bulbs and an amazing array of annuals, which now line the entry to Feethams South.

Further thanks go to Phillippa Scrafton (Darlington Street Scene) for arranging the 'Litter Free Durham and Darlington' event, Councillor Paul Harman for his support and encouragement, Dot at no 24 for the Yorkshire tea and biscuits, Stephanie (no 8) for running the tea stall, Veronica (no 11) for organising the troops. But the biggest thanks go to everyone who attended to make the event a social, community and practical success.