Monday 26 August 2013

Feethams Twin Towers

Today they still stand - as did their late sisters at Wembley - but within a fortnight they too may be gone.

For those residents who have been following this blog, you will know that Esh Developments allegedly sold the old Feethams ground to Persimmon Homes. This may not now be the case due to legal wrangles. Our insider sleuth reports that Esh diggers are to arrive this week, and will set about the removal of the twin towers at the entrance to Darlington Cricket Club, making way for a football field of new houses and flats.

We understand that the first stage of development will involve fencing the cricket field and putting in a new access road.

No further planning application has been made, so whether Esh, or Persimmon, or both - it seems that the original plans are to go ahead.

This brings to an abrupt end the hopes of many sportsmen that the Feethams Football ground could be saved for a sporting purpose, or even the return of the Quakers.

Enjoy the photographs, and the peace and quiet whilst they last!

Photo by Stephen, sunflower seed by courtesy of Ken's bird table at no 7

Saturday 24 August 2013

Keeping up appearances

No, for a change, this is not a pretentious posting about the beauty of South Terrace, and certainly not a critical one - at least in relation to our residents. In fact, to the contrary, it demonstrates just how functional we residents are in caring for both the terrace and our environment.

Those who frequently use the back lane will have noticed a surprising development. It arises from the combined endeavours of residents at numbers 24, 22 and 8. Up to the beginning of the month we had substantial puddles in the lane as rain water failed to drain away. Following Dot's lead, Amanda and Stephen set about clearing the drains down the centre of the lane, and hey presto, we have averted the floods. Well done to all who participated. Perhaps we should be put on Darlington Street Scene's payroll?

Councillor Paul Harman and I have continued to tackle the litter on Victoria Road. Fortunately, our residents of South Terrace are constantly vigilant concerning litter on the terrace, which is now a rarity. Those stroll to town or make their way to Sainsburys have been seen to litter-pick as they go.  But Victoria Road is quite another matter, comprising the town's ring road, and attracting a major problem of littering.

Paul Harman returned with his gloves to the waste ground next to the monumental mason near the Skerne bridge. It is owned by the council and Paul is seeking a regular clearing of this area. I also took my Darlington Council 'litter picker' and black sack to clear the Victoria Road side of the bank. Forty minutes later, I had recovered two bags of cans, bottles and packaging. Today, I noticed that it was impossible to tell that the task had been undertaken.

Perhaps now is the time that the fast-food retailers should be surcharged to deal with the problem. There seem to be few incentives for Sainsburys and the food outlets in Victoria Road to restrict, or otherwise take responsibility for litter that comes from eating and drinking in the street. I believe that Paul is to raise this in the Council Chamber. Your views on the subject would be helpful.

The topic of parking is never far from our agenda here on the terrace. As you will have read from earlier postings, our minor difficulties are greatly exacerbated by the mid-week incomers who seek to avoid paying for parking in the town's car parks. On 17 July I received an acknowledgement from Paul Boyle, Customer Services Advisor, who passed our concerns to Traffic Management for investigation. Maybe that department is suffering from a 'rush hour' crush of work, but we are yet to receive a contact. I shall be pursuing this next month.

Finally, we note that Adelle has a buyer for no 3. With all of her work on the property, it was just a matter of time for the sale. Congratulations to her, and we hope her move is successful. We also understand that no 21 has at last been let. This follows Terry's sad death in February, whilst travelling. When the new residents arrive, make sure to tell them about the residents' group, the blog and our Facebook page.