Wednesday 18 May 2016

Friends at Crown Street Library Revisited

So tonight, Friends of the Libraries group has been formed. It arrived with a whimper rather than a fanfare. Fortunately the councillors there were all committed 'preserve the library' proponents, or they would immediately have perceived a weakness. The 40 or so attenders formed predominantly a sea of grey.

My contribution was short and to the point. There will be time enough in due course to mico-manage uses for the building, a feat that in any event cannot be accomplished - or even effectively started within the consultation time-scales set by the council.

What is needed now is a huge campaign of protest from a dynamically organised Darlington population. It must involve everyone- from the smallest child in the town's smallest school, to the largest director in the town's key businesses. It needs a day of protest in the town centre, with dozens of petitioners wearing gelco bibs, schools and colleges to close for the morning so that children and students can picket the town hall. It needs the support of every parent who values a free public library service in Crown Street. It needs a band!

As things stand, a public consultation will be deemed to have proceeded, and our elected councillors will take their party whip to vote for the cut rather than the conscience.

The quiet voices of the town's residents and readers will be drowned in a sea of red tape, as Darlington's Chief Executive discovers ways to defeat the library covenants and buy off opponents with promises.

As an experienced mediator, I recognise that there will come a time to sit around a table - if such is ever offered. But now is not that time. The Friends group, rather like their steering committee, presently lack the political experience and credibility to make themselves heard. Only with a clear public mandate of 'No' to closure, will objectors get beyond the strategic stage.

Whilst these steps are urgent, and in my view essential - the steering committee should continue to make progress with local business leaders and those with clear political ambitions, putting together the rescue package that uses every commercial opportunity and resource that the historic building may offer. This will not be easy. It will require skilled management, persistence and determination.

But first, the Friends of the Libraries group needs to be empowered - not simply by conviction, but by public mandate. And that means - YOU.

Without your support - in practical, selfless and time-giving terms, the libraries will gradually close, their staff will receive their redundancy notices (perhaps delivered by taxi) and our historic buildings will become forever figures in ledgers.



  2. My heart is broken as I use Local history and the girls in the section as the best. I can't still get my head around it as it’s just a building so we are told by Dixon and Wallis. I went past the building early morning and thought about how sad it will be when it used for something else it’s like bereavement for me. I'm never going to use the Dolphin at all why would want to having support all the protest and meetings the council had and herd all side of the arguments both good points and waffle. I understand the money is not forthcoming I think we all do. I understand that we have to move on and change things but why change something that has been a centre of education for many years. The council thinks that spending its way out of a problem is the only way which has a knock on effect for us all in the longer term.

    The council says it will be vastly improve with all the mod cons. really why do I pay my taxes when it should be investing in to your buildings you neglect so badly. The council finds £200,000 for the indoor Market it will borrow money to create a new library if so then it can borrow money to leave the Crown street Library as it stands today. Hell bent on making this town into a no hope town for all.
    Its gives away £56m of my taxes to the venerable how many cuts has that seen over the years. We have 3 services buses been used and taxi for one club which is hardly open. Is that good money gone? Yet it’s sacking social workers from adult mental health and says it’s caring for the venerable. A few years back the council stop paying Darlington Mind £100,000 which resulted in a staff been finished, reduced services, services users bidding for funding some got it other made to pay and that care in the community a library cares for all and for all. The has the nerve to put out how well the council is doing for mental health in magazine and how well its looking after venerable surly £1m for 4 years will not be missed.

    Even the Tories think the council are wasteful and I am not a voter for them but vastly changing my mind when I heard the bad news. It ripped my heart out and many from all walks of life and all ages. We can’t blame all for its failings. It says it listen to the people when? We did not want a pedestrian heart but it was done, we wanted our art centre it was closed, and we want our library retain its sold. How much more are we to put up with we are all facing hard times but this lot are murdering the heritage and going against its employers wishes us the voters and tax payers they are meant to be working for us not against us.
    The council needs to be taken to high court and action to stop this from happening and never happening again.
