Tuesday 10 December 2019

South Terrace news roundup 2019

Travel to Buenos Aires last year precluded a 2018 end-of-year news roundup here on the ‘South Terrace blog’, but at popular demand, here is our summary for 2019.

First, a big welcome from all on the terrace to new members of the group, Greg Williams (14), Julie Sellers (7) and Helen Pearson (13), and a farewell to Sarah Hutchinson (4). Congratulations to Dave and Hannah (7) on their May wedding.

Probably the biggest 2019 achievement as a community is the completion of our new pedestrian crossing at Feethams South. We launched the ‘Barker & Stonehouse Crossing Facebook page’ in October 2015, closely followed by a petition that received 252 signatures in just over 2.5 hours. Since then, despite the crossing having been fully funded by Persimmon and passed by planning, there was political prevarication, requiring intervention from Jenny Chapman MP. Now with widespread support and persistence, the crossing has been installed and it opened on 4 December. Many thanks to the residents that gave their support and time to this enterprise.

When the council introduced a garden waste bin service, our small front gardens and paved yards meant that South Terrace residents could hardly justify its 35 GDP annual cost. So a group of residents clubbed together to share the cost of a bin. With 7 paying members in 2019, the collaboration has been successful, and we propose to continue the project in 2020. If you are not currently a member of the group and wish to join, just let me know.

On 23rd February we held our third South Terrace back lane clearing and litter pick. The day was fine, with a gazebo, tea and cake provided at Sainsburys lane end. Events like this are more than just tidying the lane. They are about community-building and cohesion. It is suggested that we repeat the event in 2020, so do get involved whatever your role. Just attending to share a cup of tea provides a big incentive for the organisers.

May 2019 saw our annual South Terrace Garden in Bloom competition, won this year by no.23, with the urban entry at no 22 as runner-up. Features of the competition are - the inspection date is random, every garden on the terrace is included, and that we have no rules! So 2020 could be your year to win. Was it a coincidence that May was also the month in which Murray McLaren published his feature on South Terrace with a delightful photograph of our gardens?

On the topic of gardens, we should not forget the Gerald Lee Pocket Park, just round the corner from Feethams South in Victoria Road. Our community garden inspired projects in Darlington and across the country. If you are not already a member, do join the group here. Many thanks to the children Ed (22), Ellie and Tom (9) for their planting efforts in the park on 4 August.

Residents continue to raise concerns about the width of parking spaces on the terrace. These were reduced in 2017 as part of the new arrangements. Whilst this is a problem, it seems that the council is unlikely to reverse the changes. For those with larger cars, do bear in mind that we have two large new unrestricted spaces in Feethams South. If you see one free, it might be useful to park there to optimise the permit spaces?

Other events of 2019 involve two stray cricket balls and the prospect of extended mesh fencing at the club boundary. This caused controversy for our group, but the upshot (if you will excuse the expression) was that the club will leave fencing as it is, and take more care on match days. On 8 March, the miniature Tornado returned to the roundabout. On 11 May we erected our new Neighbourhood Watch Signs thanks to Darlington Police. On 2 July we were again visited by the Air Ambulance, and in September speed and parking restrictions were introduced in Greener Drive.

A word about our Messenger group. Of all of our community initiatives for the terrace, this I suspect has been the most successful. We currently have 21 members: residents and their close relatives. Rarely a week goes by without a message, keeping residents up-to-date with developments and in contact with each other, and the ‘parcel collection service’ has proved effective. A massive advantage of the service is that it is instant, but this also may present a drawback. Do remember that the Messenger group is largely for messages, not comments (which are more suited to the Facebook group).

For 2020
  1. Following several attempted burglaries of homes and break-ins of vehicles, security on the terrace is of paramount importance. A suggestion has been made that we should investigate the idea front-of-terrace security cameras, perhaps with a security feature for the back lanes. I will post the idea on our Facebook group for your suggestions.
  2. A number of residents have supported a proposal for an annual ‘Terrace Residents Photograph’. I love the idea of this and sense that it would provide a fascinating historical social record.

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