Next Saturday 6 April is the South Terrace 'Big Spring Clean and Planting'.
We meet in the lane from 0930 hours onwards. All welcome - whether to litter-pick, plant, fetch and carry, or simply support and drink tea (by courtesy of Dot).
Equipment will be provided, but those with a fork, trowel, secateurs (or even a horse-drawn plough) will be especially useful. If you have any seeds, bulbs or primula that have flowered - bring them with you.

Ferns are a real favourite and will add density to the lane side.
A short walk along Victoria Embankment today showed just how effective a little planting can be.
Just hours to go. The litter picking equipment has been delivered. We have the tea stall ready. Starting at 9.30 am, we are meeting in the back lane. I have baked a cake! So come and help/watch/or just chat.