Saturday, 30 March 2013

One week to go til the Big Spring Clean and Planting

Next Saturday 6 April is the South Terrace 'Big Spring Clean and Planting'. 

 We meet in the lane from 0930 hours onwards. All welcome - whether to litter-pick, plant, fetch and carry, or simply support and drink tea (by courtesy of Dot).

Equipment will be provided, but those with a fork, trowel, secateurs (or even a horse-drawn plough) will be especially useful. If you have any seeds, bulbs or primula that have flowered - bring them with you.

This week, do ask your friends, and people at work if they have any shade loving plants that they can spare.

Ferns are a real favourite and will add density to the lane side.

A short walk along Victoria Embankment today showed just how effective a little planting can be.

1 comment:

  1. Just hours to go. The litter picking equipment has been delivered. We have the tea stall ready. Starting at 9.30 am, we are meeting in the back lane. I have baked a cake! So come and help/watch/or just chat.
