Sunday, 22 December 2013

Persimmon - the new Feethams Village

Stephanie and I have endeavoured to speak to as many of you as has been possible, given the short consultation time scale (to 13 December). I am pleased to report that your overwhelming view of Persimmon's proposals is favourable.

Some residents would have favoured a further reduction in the number of homes to be built, but everyone consulted was in clear agreement that the current reduction from 146 to 82 homes was a move in the right direction.

It seems that you are happier with the prospect of 'homes with an executive feel', considering these more appropriate for the site. You also favoured Persimmon's move to mirror existing development and the chance to give the site a 'more mature feel'.

Some concerns have been expressed with regard to parking for the new residents and their visitors. I have been asked to check this with Persimmon to ensure that adequate provision is made within the development. You have observed that parking on the access road, or within South Terrace is out of the question.

There have been a few concerns raised about egress from Feethams South to Victoria Road. Traffic leaving the Victoria Road roundabout travels uphill (west) at such speed as to make getting out a very difficult task. This is an issue for Darlington Council Highways, and we shall be pursing it with them. 

It has been suggested that the development could be given a new name, that of 'Feethams Village'. Whilst we have not consulted on this, it may provide a greater sense of belonging to the new community. Do have your say on this!

I have reproduced below the reply sent on your behalf to Persimmon. Should there be anyone - not hitherto consulted - who has a different view, you may wish to contact Persimmon directly so that your voice is heard.

View from the air in 1961


To Persimmon Homes

On behalf of the South Terrace Residents Group (100% of the residents of the terrace and Pease Cottages) can I thank you for your informative information sheet and invitation to 'Have your Say' concerning the new proposals.

We have consulted within the group as widely as we were able, given the time scales, and I am pleased to report that your proposals for the site meet with general approval from members.

The group recognises that this site is suitable for high quality residential development.
The transition to a reduced number of homes 'with an executive feel' is welcomed as more appropriate for this site.

The group welcomes the decision to mirror existing local development, giving the site a mature feel.

The group believes the plan to preserve the possibility of alternative access options (to Grange Road and Victoria Embankment) is wise, should these be needed in the future.

We were concerned that sufficient parking will be available for new residents and their visitors within the site. Clearly parking on the access road or in South Terrace will be out of the question. Perhaps you can reassure us that adequate provision has been calculated? 

Tom Wilkinson, Assistant Engineer at Lumsden & Carroll Civil Engineering for Esh Developments has sent us regular email updates, which we have posted on our residents' Facebook page
and on occasions on our blog
May we invite you to do the same? 

Feel free to contact me should you wish to meet with the residents here, or to raise any particular topic associated with the development.
Stephen Twist

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