Gerald Lee Pocket Park has been a great hit! I am informed that the bees and hoverflies are already visiting; and is it my imagination, or have some of those breadcrumbs on the bird table been eaten by a passing sparrow?
Certainly, passers by are commenting, and the Town Hall is excited that with Paul Harman's vision, the community can beat the council into second place when it comes to civic space.
You can now join our special Facebook group dedicated to the support of the
Gerald Lee Pocket Park. Why not? It is free!

Our next event (or should I say adventure) is 'The Grand Opening' on Tuesday 29 July by the Mayor. I am reliably assured that he will be wearing his Mayoral Chain. This is your opportunity to stop by and take a bow for all of your hard work - whether digging, planting, or simply commenting in an encouraging way.

Of course we shall have to renew some of the seasonal planting by then. So we need colourful plants to replace the poppies. Take a look around your garden and split your most successful and showy clumps.
Here are the final pictures for now. Stephanie took them this afternoon following the laying of the paths. Let's hope the park stays as beautiful and glorious as it has started!
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