This year, the South Terrace Residents' blog has seen 15 posts and coincidentally, 15 comments on them.

In January, there were two posts relating to the Persimmon development, in particular their application for amended planning permission.
In April, we ran a feature on the back lane and fly tipping,
successfully sorted by Street Scene as a result of our intervention.
Our May posting concerned Local Motion who visited the terrace, featuring a great photo of John at no 13 and Basil at no 12.
Also in May in relation to the pocket park we posted a concept and our preparation at the site, with a visit from the Mayor.
June saw 4 posts relating to the park - the big dig, preparation for the big plant, the planting day, and nearly the finale.
In August we celebrated the opening of the park by the Mayor, Councillor Gerald Lee. If you missed this posting, do return to view it and taste the summer air.
October was devoted to the introduction of the new wheeled bins with two postings - a sad saga of dissatisfaction and the council's response and subsequent apology to residents. It was noticeable how quickly the council will act when a cohesive group of residents such as ours, protests.
In November we reviewed the history of the Gerald Lee Pocket Park from start to finish
capturing both old, new and missed photographs and videos. Do take a look and follow the links for the fresh material, some of which was not available in the earlier postings.
Finally, this month, our consultation on parking
in preparation for next month's interface with the council. Probably our most important posting which we have now lodged with the council officials with the hope of influencing decisions that relate to our parking on our terrace.
During the year, we have said goodbye to Harry and Heather at number 17 following their move to sheltered accommodation at Dalkeith House, Helen's arrival at no 5, we have seen the new development rise on the old football field, and witness the opening of the restored social facility and bar at the Cricket Club.
Throughout 2014, our South Terrace Residents Facebook Group has continued to support, inform and entertain its 28 members.
If you are not yet a member of that group, it is simple to join and provides much needed continuity for the terrace.
On behalf of all of the residents here, we wish you a happy New Year and a successful 2015. The first three months will be quiet here, but we hope that April will see new ventures, including a further Big Spring Clean.
In the meantime, here is an extract from Councillor Gerald Lee's open letter -
"Good afternoon everyone,
I hope that you all have had an enjoyable Christmas and I wish you well for 2015.
Time is quickly drawing nigh when the 2015 LitterFreeDurham's 2015 big Spring Clean starts which is February 28th and ends 18th April. I hope that you can join us once again and support this worthy Project to help keep our northern communities clean".
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