Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Vue Entertainment Licences - Vue Cinema Feethams

A small poster, tucked away against the new development in Feethams notifies the following application:

Notice of application for the grant of a Premises Licence under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003
Notice is hereby given that Vue Entertainment Limited has applied to Darlington Borough Council for the grant of a Premises Licence in respect of Premises to be known as Vue Cinema, Feethams Leisure, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 4QT The proposed licensable activities and their hours are :to permit the performance of plays, live music, recorded music and performance of dance from 0800 until 0300 each day; to permit the sale of alcohol from 0800 to 0230 each day; the showing of films and opening hours 24 hours each day and late night refreshment from 2300 to 0500 each day. Any representations regarding the above-mentioned application must be received in writing by Licensing Authority Darlington Borough Council/Town Hall, Feethams, Darlington, DL1 5QT no later than 1st July 2015 stating the grounds for representation. The register of Darlington Borough Council and the record of the application may be inspected at the address of the council, given above,during normal business hours or on the council's website - www.darlington.gov.uk
Here is a copy of my submission on your behalf:
The South Terrace Residents' Group is aware of this application, and as president of the group, I have been asked to respond on their behalf.
Darlington Council website is unhelpful as to how our objections can be recorded. We anticipate that this is not a Planning matter, but hope that you can forward our comments to the relevant department at the Town Hall. The 'no later than' date for receipt of objections is 1 July 2015.

The residents of South Terrace have the following concerns in relation to the applications by Vue Entertainments Limited, for Vue Cinema Feethams:

  • The duration of the performance licence: we feel that 0300 hrs is too late and will result in localised disturbance and traffic noise whilst residents are sleeping.
  • The duration of the alcohol sale licence: we feel that 0230 hrs is too late, and will result in a late night influx of customers, with attendant issues relating to alcohol and public order. It is of note that the council do not permit sales as late as this at other venues for good reason.
  • The late night refreshment licence: we cannot see justification for 0500 hrs, and consider that this will result in localised noise disturbance and traffic noise whilst residents are sleeping.
We contend that:
  1. existing residents' right to undisturbed environment and a night's sleep has priority over late night operations.
  2. performances should terminate no later than 0100 hrs - which will give sufficient opportunity for Vue Entertainment Ltd to screen late night films;
  3. the sale of alcohol should not extend beyond 1200 hrs midnight, save within the cinema bar and auditorium during late night screening, where sales could continue to 0100 hrs;
  4. late night refreshment licence should be limited to 0200 hrs for venues within the semi-enclosed concourse only.
Some residents have expressed concerns in relation to the times suggested above, and would prefer earlier cessation. That which appears above not local consensus, but is proposed by the group as a reasonable compromise.

For the benefit of the licencing committee, it should be recorded that the South Terrace Residents' Group, is a long standing group comprising 43 households - 100% of currently occupied homes in South Terrace and Pease Cottages, DL1 5JA. http://southterrace.blogspot.co.uk/ and https://www.facebook.com/groups/southterrace/.

Please confirm receipt of this objection by email.

Stephen Twist
President South Terrace Residents' Group


  1. A resident observes:
    "Maybe this is simply the standard wording for the entertainment application, but it sounds suspiciously like a nightclub application and not a cinema application. I have long suspected that the project was not viable as a stand alone cinema due to the decline in attendances generally and the relatively difficult vehicle access compared to 'out of town cinemas such as Teesside park'. They seem to be covering all bases in case of failure, at which point the venue can simply be sold on to a company such as Carlsberg O2".
    13 hrs · Like · 2

    Stephen Twist Another resident adds "The nightmare begins again, we fought late night opening 2am of the club in the Football club and managed to get it stopped. I can't personally see any need for a cinema to keep such late hours and town centre venues will be up in arms re the new competition to their sales. I agree with your reasonable compromise".
    13 hrs · Like · 2

    Sarah Hutchinson I have sent a note of support to the objections to licensing. I don't think the committee is straightaway, if I find out date will share
    9 hrs · Unlike · 2

    Stephen Twist Sarah's excellent letter: superbly set out! "While the letter has the support of 43 households through the residents group, as a resident of 4 South Terrace I would like to add my express support to the letter of objection below from Mr Stephen Twist on behalf of the residents group.

    It is to be noted that nearby residents would be likely to have their lives significantly disrupted by the proposals having regard to the need for uninterrupted sleep for all residents but in particular such disruption will affect residents ability to work and the ability of children to prosper.

    The issue is exacerbated by the lack of significant on site car parking on the complex and the nearby car parking available both on South Terrace and Victoria Embankment whereby departures through the night may be a significant likelihood and disruptive to a significant group of residents.

    The road is extremely quiet at night and noise of customers departing the cinema especially where parked on the street would be a very likely cause to wake residents with bedrooms to the front of the houses, which given the layout of the houses is where the main bedrooms face, and in our case the nursery.

    Accordingly I would repeat and support the letter of objection below.
    9 hrs · Like · 1

    Sarah Hutchinson Stephen, too kind! on experience I expect letters of objection after the close date will still be considered if anyone else wants to add support. Email E-mail Licensing@darlington.gov.uk
    also given the strength of resident feeling shown in resident comments recorded by Stephen above press contact may be useful.....in particular I am guessing that other of our neighbours in Victoria embankment etc may have no idea of the proposals and a little publicity of the scarcely advertised notice might be a good thing

  2. Dear residents, I too am concerned about these late night proposals. I think if more of the public new about this, that they too would be concerned. I first learned of these requests when I read the Darlington Advertiser this morning.

    Surely these applications should have been put forward when planning permission was applied for, for the complex to be built. These late requests must have been known by the company, well before the building of the complex. It would seem therefore a back door proposal that is now being submitted.

    I agree with the residents of that area and would gladly sign any petition.

    I live in the Hummersknott area of the town, I believe it is going to affect many areas of the town with late night traffic.

    It will cause an enormous amount of pollution, of traffic, noise and anti social behaviour in the centre of town and many other areas of the town.

    The police and ambulance service will have extra work to do, this bringing a strain on those resources. Not to mention the financial cost to the people of Darlington in the increased cost to the Council budget. Which will inevitably be passed on to the public's purse.

    I will email Darlington Borough Council too, with objections.

    Regards Elizabeth Gregory

  3. I wrote objections on an email to Licensing@darlington.gov.uk. I received a reply today, from Patrick Montgomery to say that my objections have come after the statutory closing date for the consultation. I am sending copies of the email's to you on this website ,as I don't have access to an email address.

    Here are Copies of email's for information only, in which I kept my objections to a minimum:

    Copy of my email.
    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    I am a resident of Darlington and read about the proposal for the application below, in the Darlington Advertiser Tuesday 14th July 2015. I had not known and have not heard of the proposals, until I read about it in the Darlington Advertiser.

    I am writing to object to the Notice of application for the grant of a Premises Licence under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 by Vue Entertainment Limited, for licensable activities and their hours to permit the performance of plays, live music, recorded music and performance of dance from 0800 until 0300 each day; to permit the sale of alcohol from 0800 to 0230 each day; the showing of films and opening hours 24 hours each day and late night refreshment from 2300 to 0500 each day.

    A. I object to: The proposed licensable activities and their hours, to permit the performance of plays, live music, recorded music and performance of dance from 0800 until 0300 each day.

    B. I object to: The showing of films and opening hours 24 hours each day and late night refreshment from 2300 to 0500 each day

    The reasons for my objecting are :

    That it will possibly put a strain on the Police service.
    That it will possibly put a strain on the Ambulance service.
    That the late hour openings, will affect adversely the local residents and their families, living nearby.
    It will possibly increase anti social behaviour and crime in the town centre, late at night.
    It will increase excessive traffic in the town centre of Darlington, causing late night noise disturbance to the local residents.
    It will increase excessive late night traffic, accessing Darlington town centre, on all roads leading into Darlington. Causing noise disturbance late at night, throughout Darlington.

    Though my written objection is after the stated date of, 1st July 2015, I would ask that you would consider my objections.

    Yours faithfully

    Ms Elizabeth Gregory

    Copy of email reply from Patrick Montgomery:
    Dear Ms Gregory,

    Thank you for contacting Darlington Borough Council in relation to the application for Vue Cinemas.
    Unfortunately the Licensing Act 2003 does not allow the Licensing Authority to accept representations submitted after the statutory closing date for the consultation.

    However, I can advise you that similar representations have been submitted by the South Terrace Residents Association and as a consequence, the application will be the subject of a Licensing Committee hearing to be held on 28 July 2015.

    I would be happy to advise you of the outcome of the hearing.


    Patrick Montgomery
    Licensing Officer
    Town Hall
    DL1 5QT

    Tel: 01325 405980
