Thursday, 15 June 2017

South Terrace blog revived

Did you know that here at South Terrace community we are unique in having our own Facebook group, instant Messaging and blog? And from today, we have added our own South Terrace Twitter account.

The huge advantage of linking through social media is that communication can be instantaneous - as we are finding through our Messenger service. It offers options to stay in touch, to receive news, or simply to dip in and out as we chose. Better than the neighbour's 'knock at the door', you simply don't have to be in if you don't want to be disturbed.

Most of us lead fairly private lives, and for some, living here on the terrace is just something that is, rather than something particularly cherished. But whatever your feelings, staying in touch is great for community. For those living on their own (even if they are not using social media) our small attempts at community building give them a sense of safety and security.

Today we have welcomed Linzi to our Facebook group. But we still have some small gaps in the terrace that are not linked. Pop along to the South Terrace Facebook group, see who is there, and who is not, and see what you can do to link them in. The contact may be a fellow resident's relative or friend who would love the opportunity to be able to send a message to pass on, or ask for a local call to be made to avoid worries or concerns.

The tragedy at Grenfell Tower reminds us of the importance of staying in touch, and enabling private messages to be exchanged without having to search for email addresses and phone numbers. A small compromise in privacy may for you be the one thing that provides future peace of mind.

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