Monday, 11 February 2013

Forensic Coding System

Have you heard of 'SmartWater'? I have to confess that before coordinating the South Terrace Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, I had seen posters but had no idea how it worked.

'SmartWater' is being used across the UK to combat crime. The concept is that with a dab of 'SmartWater', your possessions are permanently marked and re-traceable to you. 

It is a coding system that carries an individual marker that is virtually impossible to remove and can only be detected by those with a 'SmartWater' reader. Each applicator contains a distinct chemical marker. The smallest trace can be submitted to the 'SmartWater' laboratory where its' code can be read and matched to the owner of the property.

Criminals across the country are now gaining knowledge of the consequence of 'SmartWater' markings. Not only can they not remove the chemical traces, but they know that homes with this protection will provide a worthless haul. Traders that receive marked items are under a duty to report the fact, although for added security, only the SmartWater laboratory will have access to your security information. 

'SmartWater' is now available through our scheme at 25% of the retail cost. For just £10.00 you will receive your bespoke 'home coding' system. Items touched with just a dab from the SmartWater applicator are indelibly marked for 20 years, and traceable back to you. With the pack you will receive permanent property stickers and window stickers. Once marked, thieves in the know will ignore your home. 

You may purchase 'SmartWater' at Central House, Gladstone Street, taking identity documents; or simply see Stephanie who will do this for you. She already has orders and will collect your 'SmartWater' pack at cost price.

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