Sunday 10 February 2013

Welcome to the South Terrace Blog

It will be a source of confidence for residents that our new Neighbourhood Watch Scheme here at South Terrace which started in January 2013 now has almost 100% membership. This means that we have thirty one households participating. Those of you with Facebook accounts will have joined our South Terrace Facebook Group and will be used to accessing both security and general information affecting the terrace there.

But it became evident that, of twenty one households that access the internet, some residents do not have, nor wish to open a Facebook account. So we needed to find a way to ensure that as many resident members as possible could get the information that is posted there.

Hence the blog. I shall be posting similar information here to that on the Facebook group page (which shall continue), but the blog will allow for a few more in-depth discussions of issues affecting us, such as the imminent Esh development of the Feethams football ground, and proposals concerning issues arising from the Sainsbury development.

That you have visited the blog is a great start. May I encourage you to subscribe by clicking the 'Join the Site' button on the right side of the page, or 'Follow by email'. This way you will keep totally up-to-date with developments here, and with the security news from Durham Police and Darlington Neighbourhood Watch organisation. It will also enable you to contribute to postings by adding your comments.

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